Factory-finished doorsets to your site
Imagine how easy it would make your life if to fit and finish a door, all your on-site team had to do was unwrap it, slide it into the aperture, fix it in place and … that’s it.
With Dorplan’s factory-finished doorsets, that is perfectly possible. Our in-house spray shop means that doors can be sent as a finished product, so no on-site decoration is required.
Spraying is an increasingly popular choice because of the premium finish that can be achieved. However, the usual option of doing this on site can be fraught with problems ranging from particles in the air causing H&S issues to the extra drying time putting pressure on site schedules.
Dorplan’s spray shop removes those problems completely, allowing you to receive a factory-finished product that can just be inserted, positioned and fixed in place.
Doors are meticulously checked and prepped, then primed and coated, usually twice, drying in our ‘curing’ room between coats. This can both reduce overall project timings for doors AND offer enhanced quality and consistency.
We can colour match any shade or provide a lacquer finish over natural or stained veneer.